Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Will a person that is saved, had accepted Jesus, go to hell or heaven if the take their own life?

Pastor Chris,
Will a person that is saved, had accepted Jesus, go to hell or heaven if the take their own life?

-- Jimmy

The question of suicide is painful because it hurts so many people. It is murder. Therefore God says not to do it (Exodus 20:13).

That being said, suicide is not the unpardonable sin (Mark 3:28-30). Therefore it can be forgiven.

It is possible for a Christian to be so discouraged, blue, and depressed that he can lose perspective and in a moment of weakness commit the sin of suicide. A true believer committing this sin will go to heaven but will not fulfill his purpose here on the earth and therefore foregoes many of the rewards in heaven that might have been his.

-- Pastor Chr

1 comment:

  1. No, i would like to disagree with this statement that says a true believer wud go to heaven after commiting sin of suicide, first because God goes by principle, if He says a sinning soul shalt die thus He means, a soul that sin shall die, thats the second death which is hell. secondly because a true believer will not take their own life because their faith wont fail them like judas iskariot. thirdly because many times i have heard testimonies from people whom the Lord has shown heaven and hell, they say in hell they saw believers who took their own life, i still stand to be corrected in this though.

